Three Tips This Celebrity Esthetician Shares With All Of Her Star Clients

Nowadays, everyone can look perfect on Instagram, thanks to all the filters. Pores, what? But to look amazing in real life, the canvas, i.e., your skin, needs to look good. You must be wondering how every celebrity looks so picture-perfect when they walk the red carpet, well, they have an entire team of makeup artists and stylists to help, and most of them have a trusted esthetician who oversees their skincare game. These estheticians do a damn good job making the stars look gorgeous, on- camera-and-off. Celebrity esthetician Shani Darden told USA Today, “Helping people look beautiful and feel beautiful is my favorite part.” No wonder the biggest names in Hollywood probably have their favorite skincare guru on speed dial for all their skincare woes.

If you are a celebrity, people recognize you for your face, so “skincare is naturally a top priority,” and they only turn to the best estheticians in the world for their skin, per Haute Living. If you are a skincare enthusiast, you have probably heard of top-notch estheticians like Joanna Vargas and Sonya Dakar, who have not only a slew of A-list celebrity clients but also their own skincare lines. High-profile celebrities are always doing crazy expensive facials and turn to these skincare experts to get the perfect “beauty treatments and skincare products” to always look…



Anjana Rajbhandary| Insta: @AnjyRajy

*Beauty & Health Writer *Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician/Community (MHRT/C) *Chopra Center-Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Teacher