The Beauty of Being Ordinary

Photo by Inspa Makers on Unsplash

Finding Contentment Beyond Society’s Obsession with Success

The pervasive message of our time asserts that success is the linchpin in every facet of life, be it education, career, friendships, or relationships. In the relentless pursuit of success, many of us toil ceaselessly, ingrained with the belief that triumph is the gateway to happiness.

Rewind three decades to when I was 10, and the emphasis was on excelling in school. Family, teachers, and even movies championed the narrative that good grades equated to happiness. The equation was simple: good grades led to a good job, financial stability, and happiness. I adhered to this formula, except for a rebellious phase in college when fun momentarily trumped grades. However, upon graduation, I recalibrated my focus.

Reflecting on my journey, I wish I could have advised my younger self that straight A’s don’t guarantee success or an immediate stellar job. I don’t harbor regrets for discovering this later; however, I would have spared myself unnecessary stress over a single B-, thinking it signaled the demise of my promising future.

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash



Anjana Rajbhandary| Insta: @AnjyRajy

*Beauty & Health Writer *Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician/Community (MHRT/C) *Chopra Center-Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Teacher