My immigrant experience of living between 2 worlds

In the quiet moments of each morning, I find solace in the ritual of lighting incense and offering prayers to my Hindu gods at my house in Indiana. On a modest coffee table, little statues of Ganesh stand at the center, flanked by Laxmi, Saraswati and Kali and a picture of the Manakamana Temple. With closed eyes, I express gratitude for the present and articulate my aspirations for the future, extending my prayers to the well-being of others. This practice before the start of my day connects me to my roots in Nepal.

As an immigrant who has lived in the United States longer than in her native country, I’ve often felt suspended between two cultures as I seek a sense of belonging. My journey into Western ways began at 17 when I moved to Italy to pursue an International Baccalaureate at the United World College of the Adriatic. Surrounded by peers from across the globe, I discovered a world beyond my preconceived notions that challenged and reshaped my perspective.

In Nepal, I once felt exceptional in my academic achievements, but at my international school, that distinction faded. Meeting students who surpassed my academic ability humbled me and prompted me to see the vast spectrum of talents and skills.

Multifaceted human interactions led me to craft different versions of myself as I adapted to various…



Anjana Rajbhandary| Insta: @AnjyRajy

*Beauty & Health Writer *Mental Health Rehabilitation Technician/Community (MHRT/C) *Chopra Center-Certified Ayurvedic Lifestyle Teacher